English Blog

A Movie “Skyfall” 11/26/12

November 26, 2012

I usually don’t miss any James Bond movie, and yes, I went to see the newest one, “Skyfall”. My local movie theatre got amazing seats which have huge space for each person and recliner. Oh well I was just so comfortable and happy sitting there as if I were at home. It was so interesting to see people behaving as if they were at home as well. I felt I was in the huge home theatre. I wish a fridge and a bathroom are nearby (!) Daniel Craig is one of the best Bond’s actors. This time Bond’s loyalty to M (Judy Dench) is tested as her past comes back to haunt her. She is tough. Javier Bardem (Silva) is a villain in this movie, and he does an amazing job as always. Eva (Naomi Harris) is Bond’s colleague as well as sort of Bond’s girl. She decided to stay in office so she will come back in sequel ! This is a insider story in Bond’ss agency, and I can’t tell you the ending, but it is a big ending. When the old Bond’s car came back in his life the audience cheered ( I did too). And the famous Bond’s theme was played with the original guitars version.  We love 007.